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May the marine blue be with you
Qingdao Longaohongxin (Lahx) Yacht Co., Ltd.,Back in the 90s, The founder initially step into the boat business just for water recreation craft leasing. Once in the process of purchasing a boat from a South Korean inflatable boat manufacturer, the founder bought a semi-finished inflatable boat at a low price by a chance. All of the sudden, the founder came up with the idea of making the Chinese own inflatable boat, which aims to tighten the relationship between consumers and the natural water environment and create open opportunity for more people have access to high-end water enjoyment. Start of 2004, the company has gradually equipped with the technology to develop, manufacture, and test components, until it has the technology to produce and assemble the complete yacht. During the past 18 years of development, Lahx-Yacht has created and registered several inventions and innovation patents in this line of business. Today, Lahx-Yacht has become a diversified yacht manufacturer and aims to deliver quality and service to consumers.
North Changxing Rd. Jiangshan Industry Park, Laixi, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China, Zip code 266603
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